Josep Company Molar, in a small town in the north of the Costa Brava, Llançà, and in a small office, just when the tourism phenomenon started, he decides to start a small rental business for the summer months of the houses and rooms from the fishermen to these first tourists (French, Belgian, and from the inland capitals of Figueres, Girona or Barcelona), who discovered totally virgin and paradisiacal coastal areas.
Josep Company begins to enter into the land and house brokerage business. The first customers to buy the vineyards by the sea are Belgian (repatriated from the Belgian Congo) and French.
19661966 Carme Bosch joins the company at the age of 14, 47 years after joining the company. During all these years it has always assumed the main responsibilities, especially in the accounting and the tourist rent.
Josep Company Molar and other partners, buy the first land in Llançà and begin the first new construction of apartments for sale.
Tourism in Llançà is expanding and at the same time the real estate of Josep Company is also growing: reforming the office, moving to work in Vicens Bonareu (until his recent retirement), managing a large portfolio of apartments and houses rent (requires some summer staff reinforcements, in addition to his wife, Antonia Agustí, who personally manages all the cleaning of client changes and she directly cleans all bed linen and bathroom). In short, Josep Company is already gaining the trust of many foreign and national owners, who have bought an apartment or house or who rented a flat every year for their summer vacation in Llançà. The first homeowners' communities are being formed and assembled.
There is significant and perhaps excessive urban development on the Costa Brava. There are no large buildings in Llançà, but they are also the years of urban transformation of the population. Josep Company, a major real estate developer, is involved in the construction of an average of 4 or 5 buildings, which amount to about 40 - 50 units per year. The vast majority of promotions are done jointly with other business partners.
Extension and refurbishment of the Llançà office. It acquires adjacent property and goes on to duplicate the office space and carry out modernization work.
Start the activity of a real estate developer in the city of Figueres. He joined the company Josep Serradell (until his recent retirement) with commercial and later accounting functions.
An office was opened in Figueres, on street Ample, for the sale of the developments in Figueres, closed in 1985 due to the economic crisis of that time. Her responsibility was Mª Angels Novillo, and later until today she assumes the responsibility of the communities of owners of Llançà.
He joins the oldest son Joan Company Agustí, who will combine his work as a lawyer with management functions in the Llançà office.
The second child, Josep Company Agustí, will be integrated, who will take on commercial functions, as well as in the supervision and coordination of real estate developments.
Finques Company already has a sales team in Llançà for brokers and promotions, a tourism rental department, and another department for the owners' communities. During these years an average of 6 - 7 people make up it.
Josep Company Molar is part of the board of the Girona Association of APIs and later (1996-2.008) of the board of the Association of Tourist Apartments of Girona (ATA).
The BIGRUP real estate network is created, together with the real estate companies of Torroella de Montgrí, Torrent API, and of Sant Antoni de Calonge, Riart API.
A new office is opened in Figueres, on Monturiol Street. It is a strategic decision, triggered by the real estate crisis of that era that has a significant impact on the market for second homes.
19921992 Joan Company Agustí, as well as a lawyer, already had the qualification of API and Property Administrator, and that year he completed his Master of Real Estate Management at the UPC in Madrid. It is definitively integrated into the structure of Finques Company with legal and management functions.
Extension and refurbishment of the Llançà office, the space is extended incorporating the estate of the upper floor where the office is located, it has a 220 m2 office.
Adaptation of the company logo and the corporate image to the BIGRUP real estate network. It will be one of the first real estate franchises to share the real estate market through an innovative computer program that incorporates photographs of the estates (updated periodically, with discs - cassettes being distributed to the offices by courier). BIGRUP had a significant presence in the counties of Girona (12 offices).
Opening of the Roses office, under the direction of Lluc Peral, who had already joined the commercial team of the Llançà office in 1990, since 2010 he is responsible for the office of Figueres.
An important activity of promotions of new constructions is developed, especially in Llançà and Figueres, but also in Roses, La Jonquera, Portbou and Girona. The technical team is created to coordinate the construction process and after-sales service. Since 2003, it has had its own construction company with a team of pallets.
Opening of an office in Olot. It closes in the year 2008.
The BIGRUP real estate network merges with the group of professionals in the Barcelona area called CEI, and the new CEIGRUP brand is created. Adaptation of the logo and the whole corporate image, and the CEIGRUP - FINQUES COMPANY trade name is adopted. In the coming years, CEIGRUP will have a significant expansion throughout Spain with more than 60 offices, although it is especially rooted in Catalonia. Joan Company is creator, promoter and has always been on the board of directors of CEIGRUP.
Finques Company is consolidating its position as a leading real estate company, especially in the Alt Empordà region, with its 4 offices and the real estate development activity. There is an exponential growth in the workforce, which will increase from 6 people to year 1990 to a team of 48 people in year 2005 and a turnover of 600,000 euros in year 1994 to invoice 3,800,000 euros in 2005.
The founder, Josep Company Molar, leaves the company management to his two sons, Joan and Josep Company Agustí.
The process of drafting and implementing the first procedural manuals for all the company's services is completed.
The President of the Generalitat M.H. Mr. Pascual Maragall gives Josep Company Molar the medal for tourist merit.
The new Figueres office is inaugurated, which will also house the company's central services. It is a tenant office and customer service floor, and a homeownership meeting room in the basement. In total it occupies an area of 700 square meters.
A new line of business opens, which is to facilitate our clients real estate investments abroad, especially in emerging markets, which offer new business opportunities. It is made through the company Invescat, together with the sisters Imma and Joana Amat, from Amat Real Estate. More than € 20 million have been invested and an office is currently open in Sofia (Bulgaria) with a team of 5 people.
Joan Company Agustí is named President of the Association of Property Administrators of Girona.
The Girona office is opened on Avda. Jaume I, 44. It is carried out through the acquisition of the portfolio of administration of Mr. Josep Paulí. The head of the office is Mª Jesus Gich, who has been part of the Finques Company team since 1993, and with significant experience and responsibility in the areas of administration and sales.
The Girona Tourist Apartments Association gives Josep Company Molar the Sun of the Costa Brava, in recognition of his professional career in the sector.
Finques Company collaborates in the financing of social projects of Caritas, and the foundations El Dofi, and Altem.
After 5 years of crisis in the real estate sector and the economic environment in general, Finques Company has managed to maintain a loss-free operating account (except for year 2008) and has increased its workforce, due to the growth in the areas of 'administration of rentals and communities, the stable maintenance of the rent of tourist rent, and in the last two years by the commercialization of the banking product.
Year of the 50th anniversary of the founding of Finques Company. On June 28, 2.013 an institutional event will be held at the Llançà House of Culture, with more than 300 people (employees and employees, historical clients, authorities, colleagues, institutional representatives, ...). The event is chaired by the Minister of Business and Employment, Mr. Felip Puig, the President of the Provincial Council, Mr. Joan Giraut, the Mayor of Llançà, Pere Vila, the Mayor of Roses, Carles Paramo.
Finques Company launches new website and is firmly committed to new technologies.
En 2021, la oficina de Girona se traslada a la Ronda Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 12, a un local amplio y con espacios abiertos para facilitar el trato con el cliente.
Con motivo del 60º aniversario de la empresa, se cambia el logotipo, que pasa a tener un 60 como elemento central.
En 2023, la empresa celebra su 60º aniversario con una serie de actos en toda la provincia, siempre siguiendo una filosofía que le permite ser una de las inmobiliarias de referencia en la provincia de Girona. El primer acto tiene lugar en Figueres: un debate público en el Cercle Sport Figuerenc sobre el futuro urbanístico de la ciudad.
Ceigrup - Finques Company adquiere la cartera de clientes de Immo Montse, y Empuriabrava se convierte en la quinta oficina de la empresa, que sigue ampliando su presencia en la comarca. Es una oportunidad de negocio que permitirá abrir mercado en la zona, con los servicios de compraventa, comunidades de propietarios, gestión de patrimonio y seguros inmobiliarios.